INFO-ATARI16 Digest Thu, 7 Dec 89 Volume 89 : Issue 766 Today's Topics: Bugs in Uniterm 2.0e How to read PC format? Problem with Uniterm 2.0e Prototyping board for the ST cartridge port Shareware MAC Software Advice Needed ! Still searching... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 7 Dec 89 02:56:01 GMT From: crash!pnet01! (John Bunch) Subject: Bugs in Uniterm 2.0e Message-ID: <> Hmmmm... I am fairly sure that is probably what the problem I was having was then. Although I had no problems with ckermit? Does ckermit not send short breaks? John. UUCP: ?hplabs!hp-sdd ucsd nosc?!crash!pnet01!johnb ARPA: crash!pnet01! INET: ------------------------------ Date: 7 Dec 89 05:43:26 GMT From:! (Troy Carpenter) Subject: How to read PC format? Message-ID: <> In article <89340.213356PMR2@PSUVM.BITNET>, PMR2@PSUVM.BITNET writes: > What differences are there between TOS and PC-DOS 3.5" disk formats? What do > I need to do to read files from an IBM disk? > > Also, can anyone out there tell me what the differences between pc-ditto and > pc-ditto II are? (Besides $225, of course.) > > Thanks. > > -Paul as far as TOS is concerened, it sees no difference between an IBM 3.5 disk and an ST disk, unless the IBM is a 1.44 meg. The 720K ibm disks work fine on the ST. The IBM operating system has a problem with ST formatted disks for some reason, which I am sure someone else can tell why. If you want to use both formats reguarly, then either format all your disks on an IBM, making sure it is formatting 720K and not 1.4 meg. OR use DC-formatter which will format DOS compatable disks from the ST desktop. Troy Carpenter Computer Sciences THE University of Texas, Austin ------------------------------ Date: 7 Dec 89 00:51:00 GMT From: inmet! Subject: Problem with Uniterm 2.0e Message-ID: <30200029@inmet> I'm using Uniterm V2.0e and I have a recurring problem.... I get put into some sort of wierd graphics mode intermittently. I suspect this is one of the Textronix modes that the programs supports. I can't really recognize a pattern to it. I always assumed it was being caused by some garbage being received at the modem and interpreted as commands, but I don't even know if this is a feasible cause. Any one have this problem ? Any comments ? Do I have something setup wrong ? If I can get some sort of answer or suggestion about this I would appreciate it. If I don't get anywhere, I am planning to try to get a note to Simon Poole via the net so that he will know about this. thanks, keith ===================================================================== | | | Keith Hedger : ?...!?uunet!inmet!hedger | | " Tragedy plus time = comedy " | ===================================================================== ------------------------------ Date: 7 Dec 89 00:25:03 GMT From: snorkelwacker!ai-lab!jpexg@MEDIA-LAB.MEDIA.MIT.EDU (John Purbrick) Subject: Prototyping board for the ST cartridge port Message-ID: <> In article <8912061925.AA15057@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU> MBERNAR@ERENJ.BITNET (Marcelino Bernardo) writes: > > Proto board Part number 33-DE40 > > Douglas Electronics > 718 Marina Blvd. > San Leandro, CA 94577 > (415)483-8770 > >Hopefully this place is still around. Let me know how it works out. I've bought 2 of their boards--they were still around as of last summer. ------------------------------ Date: 6 Dec 89 22:28:27 GMT From: attcan!utgpu! (Gabe Nemeth) Subject: Shareware MAC Message-ID: <> In article (Michael Portuesi) writes: >>>>>> On 29 Nov 89 14:30:00 GMT, greg.trice@canremote.uucp (GREG TRICE) said: > >greg> Why does everybody assume that a Mac emulator has to use Mac ROMs or any >greg> Mac code at all? There are an infinite number of ways to do a given job >greg> and it is perfectly possible for somebody to carefully read all the Mac >greg> documentation and then sit down and write code that will do exactly the >greg> same job as the Mac roms, but have not a byte in common with them in >greg> code. This is the situation with most IBM compatible systems. Though >greg> they are functionally identical to the IBM product, their ROMs contain >greg> different, but functionally identical code. >greg> It should be perfectly possible to produce a Mac emulator that used no >greg> ROMs at all, but was wholly disk based (given sufficient memory to hold >greg> the quondam ROM code in RAM). > > >Go ahead and try...I'll see you in a few years. > >The Apple ROMS are the result of several hundred person-years of work, >and you expect one enterprising hacker to recode them, and do all >of the testing and revising to ensure even a reasonable amount of >compatibilty? Obviously you've never developed software for a living. > > --M >-- >__ >\/ Michael Portuesi Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc. > portuesi@SGI.COM Entry Systems Division -- Engineering > >He says, "Take me to your leader" -- and I say, "Do you mean....George?" One thing a lot of people don't realize is that the amount of necessary code in the roms is quite small. Thats because the system file contains patches to the different revisions of mac roms that overlay buggy or outdated code. So - all the roms have to contain is stuff found in the basic 64k roms. /leonard ------------------------------ Date: 6 Dec 89 13:53:00 GMT From: inmet! Subject: Software Advice Needed ! Message-ID: <30200028@inmet> I need some pointers to some software. I'm looking for a decent database program and a decent word processor. PD would be great, but I'll take any suggestions you have. thanks, keith ===================================================================== | | | Keith Hedger : ?...!?uunet!inmet!hedger | | " Tragedy plus time = comedy " | ===================================================================== ------------------------------ Date: 6 Dec 89 15:04:39 GMT From: attcan!utgpu!watserv1!watcgl!electro! (Ignac Kolenko) Subject: Still searching... Message-ID: <1222@electro.UUCP> In article <1854@atari.UUCP> kbad@atari.UUCP (Ken Badertscher) writes: > (Daniel Deimert) writes: >| I have offered to help writing some demonstration programs to be put >| on the STE language disk. I haven't even got a reply. Atari Corp. was >| obviosly not interested. > >This concerns me. To whom did you send the offer? Where did you send >your letter? Did you send an example program along with your offer? that's interesting hearing this from daniel. i've had the same thing \ happen here in good old canada. almost 2 1/2 months ago, i got a call here at work from atari canada (i think the guy i talked to was named rotenburg, or something like that) about doing some graphics/sound demos for the STE. at the time i said, "sure, why not". he then said that it would be a couple of days before he could clear with his superiors this idea so that he could ship an STE unit to me at electrohome. well, its been 2 1/2 months and i have yet to see hide nor hair of the STE, or any call of explanation from atari canada. its too bad because at the time of their initial offer, i had the spare time to actually try to do some useful stuff on the STE. now i don't. oh well ... life goes on. -- =====Ignac A. Kolenko (The Ig) watmath!watcgl!electro!ignac===== co-author of QuickST, and the entire line of Quick Shareware!!!! "I don't care if I don't win, 'cause I don't care if I fail" from 'Youth Of Today' by SUBURBAN DISTORTION ------------------------------ End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 Issue #766 *****************************************